Safeguards Against The Darkness


Yes, it sounds old-fashioned but I’m not trying to be popular, I want to help others afflicted.  One of the greatest defenses you have against The Darkness is what is commonly referred to as virtue.  Whatever teaching you choose to guide your journey, whether it be Buddism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, or any other religion, live by the virtues they pronounce and do not let yourself fall into the commonplace mode of insincere practice.  Failing to live by a code of ethics and in turn, a virtuous life invites calamity and circumstance cause you to drift into the outstretched arms of The Darkness.  This is The Law.


Money helps.  Poverty is a tool of The Darkness.  At every turn, The Darkness will attempt to unjustly and justly rob you of wealth, material possessions, and all worldly things.  Calamity will come at the worst possible moment.  When there is a crack in the dam that keeps the dark waters of despair at bay a trickle can flood your life with misfortune.  Having ample resources to deal with the constant attempts to destroy your peace of mind.  Make sure all your necessities are well stocked before frivolous expenditures.

Correct Thoughts

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

Do not let yourself dwell long on dark things.